¿Pedir embalaje personalizado? Asegúrese de comprobar los plazos de entrega del embalaje.

Si su empresa busca soluciones de relleno de huecos que impacten a los clientes con su impresionante diseño, el papel arrugado podría ser la respuesta que necesita. El papel arrugado es un material de embalaje comúnmente utilizado para amortiguar y proteger artículos durante el envío. Está hecho de papel arrugado para crear una superficie ondulada y texturizada y, a menudo, se usa en combinación con otros materiales de embalaje, como plástico de burbujas o espuma, para brindar protección adicional a artículos frágiles. También es popular para llenar cajas de regalo y agregar un toque decorativo a los paquetes.

El papel arrugado está disponible en las mejores empresas de embalaje en varios colores y tipos. Tenemos la solución que necesita si desea agregar amortiguación e interés visual a su empaque. Considere utilizar esta solución de embalaje con sus productos y explore los trozos de papel cortados arrugados que ofrecemos en The Packaging Company.

Image SKU Size (Pounds) Color Price Unit of Measure Agregar
Papel arrugado, azul real, 10 libras E-3447 10 Royal Blue
Papel arrugado, mezcla metálica blanca y plateada, 10 libras E-3625 10 White & Silver
Papel arrugado, rosa, 10 libras E-3443 10 Pink
Papel arrugado, rojo, 40 libras E-3471 40 Red
Papel arrugado, plateado metálico, 10 libras D-7031 10 Silver Metallic
Papel arrugado, coñac, 10 libras E-3465 10 Cognac

Cushioning Crinkle Paper Packaging Solutions

Cushioning crinkle paper packaging solutions are an excellent way to protect items during shipping. Shipping can be very rough. Packages are often bumped, shuffled around, flipped upside-down, and even dropped before they reach their destination. This difficult trip means you’ll want to protect your packages so that the items you are shipping arrive as they should. When a package is properly filled and cushioned, the items inside will not move around, keeping them safe during shipping. You know how important that is.

Our crinkle paper solution cushions your product and prevents impact by absorbing the bumps during shipping. Whether the product is dropped or knocked, crinkle paper can protect it from all sides and even reduce the likelihood of product-on-product friction-related damage inside the box.

A Range of High-Grade Crinkle Cut Paper

At The Packaging Company, we specialize in providing the packaging supplies businesses need to succeed, including a range of high-grade crinkle-cut paper. We understand how critical it is that your shipments arrive safely. Sending a customer a package and having the items inside get damaged is a serious setback for a company.

You have to spend the time and money to ship out a second package (if replacing the original items is possible), and your customer now has to deal with the additional delays. Not only is this inconvenient for both of you, but this experience could negatively taint the customer’s overall opinion of your organization, hurting future business opportunities.

The perfect answer to this issue is using the suitable void fill and crinkle paper from The Packaging Company. We stock crinkle-cut paper in various styles, including colourful options in pink, black, blue, and purple and a broad spectrum of impressive-looking options. If you want to wow your customer with packaging presentation perfection and a perfectly protected product, crinkle-cut shreds will deliver both of these important outcomes.

They may be light in weight, but each paper shred fills the void and minimizes the amount of space in your corrugated box. With far less space surrounding the product, it will remain secure, surrounded by a colourful crinkle paper solution that captures your customer's attention.

Choose High-Quality Crinkle Paper from The Packaging Company

At The Packaging Company, we’re serious about excellent packaging supplies. We know it’s important that your shipment looks great, not just that it’s safe. You want to give your customers a positive overall impression of your business. Our crinkle paper is the optimum solution.

Search our crinkle-cut shred solutions and let high-quality crinkle paper from the Packaging Company help you succeed. If you have any questions about any of our products, don’t hesitate to contact us today!